
Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Tinder Plus To Change The Way You Swipe, For A Fee.

Tinder, the dating app, will be introducing Tinder Plus that allow one to do more on the Tinder app. For instance, if you swipe past a beauty or a hunk by mistake or because your fingers were sweaty with anticipation, new you can swipe back or undo the swipe. Also in the making is capability to hunt for companions away from home. Good stuff, if you are lonely, or cheeky, like making deals.
"Whether it's using Tinder to get local recommendations when traveling or trying to make friends or doing business - we hear all the time that people are cutting deals on Tinder,We're now learning from our users and those hacks to find the next opportunities." According to Tinder co founder, Sean Rad. May be Tinder Gold or Tinder Platinum?
Tinder is almost two years old and has received some investment, but has yet to generate any revenue.

Geemodo: Tinder Plus Will Allow You To Swipe Back You Missed Date, For A Fee.

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