
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yahoo Sexist?

After Go-Go dancers doing lap dances (where in my laptop? or what is that thing on my lap) at Yahoo Hack Day 2009 in Taiwan. Hack Day is deviced to attract developers to build widgets and apps for the Yahoo platforms.
But this stunt may have attracted many young developers, who lost their laptops, there were plenty of flack coming from all sort of people in the society.

I am not surprised at either side, knowing how sexist some of the Asian countries are and hypocrits protesting these dancers while having whore houses which are called Massage parlors in the back yards, abusing similar young women. (massage parlors San Francisco, search Massage Parlors New York at google)
Yahoo should have known better and done better, and so the critics!
Yahoo posted an apology on the developer blog but apperantly the sane thing has happened before, in 2008 as well
I wanted to acknowledge the public reaction generated by the images of female dancers at our Taiwan Open Hack Day this past weekend. Our hack events are designed to give developers an opportunity to learn about our APIs and technologies. As many folks have rightly pointed out, the “Hack Girls” aspect of our Taiwan Hack Day is not reflective of that spirit or purpose. And it’s certainly not the message we want to send about our values here at Yahoo!. Hack Days are about making everyone feel welcome, including women coders and technologists.
 You can read more, specially the comments at yahoo blog.

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