
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dale And Thomas Popcorn Launches the SHARE SOME Foundation

Dale and Thomas Popcorn(R), the premier name in gourmet popcornproducts, and its national retail lines,Popcorn, Indiana(R) Kettle Cornand Popcorn, Indiana(R) Original Movie Theatre, announced today thatit has created the SHARE SOME Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to recognize and promote the concept of sharing byencouraging people to share as much of themselves as possible.
The snack food company, whose motto for the past four years is"Share Some", believes that there is no greater gift than sharing,no other food that truly connects people like popcorn does and thatfriends and family sitting together sharing a bowl of popcorn cantruly change the world, one kernel at a time.

news release

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