
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Familiar stranger is a social animal!

Shub at myspace, not that Myspace, Shub's is a blog, has written a good article on familiar stranger. Article is a personal view of a person looking back and through social contacts. But what caught my eye was;
"Contrast that with my experience today? What is it that has made us so cynical? Age? Why is it that we're more easily trusting when we're young? Is that the wisdom, and maturity that age brings with us? Or is it cos I'm in foreign land, that I keep distance? I think not. Haven't we all noticed how we're terribly incapable of making eye contact with fellow Indians on the road(more so in a foreign land)? We're constantly on our guard. Why? "

Just take out the last sentenceor ignore th focus on Indians, and it applies very well to everyone. I love children because they are the best people on this earth. No worries, care free, trusting, and most of all color blind when it comes to people. But as they grow, Shub's paragraph comes to play.
I have no answer to the problem as I myself is one of these social animals, who believe that you have to prove to me that I can trust you.
Oh please give me back my childhood.

Shub's myspace

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